4in x 6in print on cardstock. A photograph containing dried plants, paper dolls, grilling skewers, a needle, and thread. Part of the Vita Devina: Queer and Trans Flesh: A Divine Encounter project. St Wilgefortis is known for praying to god to grow a beard in order to escape an arranged marriage. St Sebastian has gained a reputation for being depicted as androgynous and sensual by male painters. Here, Wilgefortis helps Sebastian heal from transgender top surgery.
Leo Covault
Leo Covault is a printmaker, zinester, and illustrator from Cleveland, Ohio. His work explores gender through the lens of historical fashion and folklore, and emphasizes hand made shapes and textures. He has been a Hudson Valley Seed Pack Artist and a Cleveland Scene Magazine Comics Edition artist. In 2024, he created the Genghis Con Indie Comics Convention poster. He graduated with a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 2022, and he has been vending at fairs and festivals since 2021.