11x14 print of the Slavic God of youth and spring, Jarilo. Jarilo was honored in festival processions lead by a blonde youth on a white horse. Some festivals had a girl or woman playing the part of Jarilo. He is often depicted with wheat in one hand and a human skull in the other. This particular outfit is based on Serbian folk costume.
Leo Covault
Leo Covault is a printmaker, zinester, and illustrator from Cleveland, Ohio. His work explores gender through the lens of historical fashion and folklore, and emphasizes hand made shapes and textures. He has been a Hudson Valley Seed Pack Artist and a Cleveland Scene Magazine Comics Edition artist. In 2024, he created the Genghis Con Indie Comics Convention poster. He graduated with a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 2022, and he has been vending at fairs and festivals since 2021.